Saturday, September 7, 2013

***SOLD!*** Bobby, the Hopeless Romantic, ships off to his new home...

I admit, I was quite enamored with the fella, all snaggle-toothy and one-eyed, long sinewy legs locked in a forever Watusi jig from hell. 

A nice lady in Texas bought him today as a surprise for her husband's birthday, so off he was bubble-wrapped and shipped to the Lone Star state. I'm such a sucker for all things romantical and soppy - I'm much like Bobby in that way. Sigh... 
Farewell, dear Bobby!

But seriously, I'm all agog at the fact that I've sold two orders from my humble little Etsy shop in the span of less than two weeks. Wowza! I thank you all for taking the time to look at this page, at my Etsy page, and for making actual monetary transactions. Never did I imagine I'd be selling my weird, creepy little pieces of art. I'm thrilled and humbled at the same time. 

This calls for a celebration... get the Jack Daniels and Guinness ready, Mama's ready to party! 

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