Monday, November 2, 2020

My 'Halloween Art & Travel Podcast' segment is live!

I have so enjoyed Kristen Stafford's amazing Halloween podcast these past few years. Getting to meet her in person at last year's 'Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween' show where I was able to chat at length with this awesome lady was a treat in itself, as I discovered we had so much in common; namely, our intense love of Halloween, being an unrepentant collector of Halloween art, and the love of traveling to many new areas and towns and live events that all pertain to - can you guess" - Halloween!

If you have not yet discovered Kristen's podcast, please do so as quickly as possible! Kristen interviews every type of Halloween artist, mover & shaker of our favorite autumn holiday. It's a lot of fun and highly informative to delve into each artist's thoughts and creative process, as many of our mutually favorite artists opened up to share their world of holiday magic.

I am incredibly honored to have been included in the latest of her interviews this season. I'm usually the one who does the interviewing of artists, so having the proverbial table turned on me was interesting for sure.

Click the link below to take you directly to my interview!

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