Tuesday, May 9, 2017

WIPs: keeping busy!

Not by any means anywhere near finished - I have lots more embellishments to add, including a poem I wrote.

It's odd, but I find it a lot of fun to paint plain wooden boards and plaques such as what the above winged Jack will be fastened upon. I enjoy the process of painting overall, but seeing the wood grain absorb the variances of color the way it does makes me happy.

And, of course, gotta have a little bit of glitter here and there as well. Glitter always brings forth the magic of a piece, in my humble opinion.

I posted this on my Facebook page and received several inquiries whether it would be for sale soon. Well... yes, but not until the Monsters & Merriment show in September. 
This piece is as yet unnamed, but once it's completed, I'll post the finished photos here and on my FB pages.

I have several more pieces I'm working on that I'll post in the days to come. But for now - back to the painting table for me! Halloween is only 175 days away! 

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