Saturday, September 14, 2019

Toe Pinchers ...

(This post was from the holiday season in 2016. I like to tout my dear Hubby's talents on occasion when he creates something, so without further ado, read on and learn everything you wanted to know about coffins, caskets and toe pinchers!)

Do you know the difference between a casket and a coffin?

Traditionally, a casket is a four-sided burying (funerary) box. In our modern day, it is the most common burial box in use.

A coffin - sometimes referred to as a "toe-pincher" - has six sides. It is what you generally think of as being used in olden times, though they still are used today.

During the summer, my very creative Hubby made several mini toe pincher coffins in his workshop, all from various wood scraps he had left over from previous projects. Most of them were either sold during our "Monsters & Merriment" show or given away as gifts, but he still has a few remaining for sale: four natural unpainted wood, and four of which are painted black. 

I think the black ones are the cooler of the bunch, as they look decrepit, and just plain macabre! One of the black coffins has a sculpy skull that he himself crafted, to add to the overall creepiness.

 One of the unpainted wood coffins was featured on "Dr. Gangrene's" YouTube channel during his Thanksgiving give-away, which you can see here:

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